Shenzhen Roxtex: China's Leading Electric Vehicle Charging Cable Brand & Manufacturer

Shenzhen Roxtex Wire & Cable utilizes almost 30 years of expertise to design top quality electric vehicle charging cables, serving as a premier custom cable manufacturer in China. Made in fully integrated domestic factories with strict quality control, Roxtex manufactures high-performance EV cables specially engineered to safely deliver power across electric vehicles' onboard systems and supply equipment.


Featuring multi-core constructions of stranded copper with flexible TPE or PVC insulation, Roxtex's EV charging cable portfolio maintains stable power transmission capacities up to 450V/750V AC and 1000V DC. Defined impedance ratios, low signal attenuation and optional metallic shielding deliver optimal power coupling and prevent interference with environmental noise or electromagnetic signals from powertrain components.


Covering operating temperatures from -40°C to +50°C, Roxtex electric vehicle charging cables ensure uninterrupted charging performance across extreme environments. And certified to GB/T 33593-2017 safety specifications, every meter undergoes rigorous electrical testing above 5000V and mechanical bending to guarantee user protections. Additional ruggedness enhancements like abrasion-resistant outer sheathing, warnings printing and custom cutting available.


<span style="color: rgb(28, 25, 23); font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " segoe="" ui",="" roboto,="" oxygen,="" ubuntu,="" cantarell,="" "fira="" sans",="" "droid="" "helvetica="" neue",="" sans-serif;="" white-space-collapse:="" preserve;"="">With integrated engineering from compounds development to finished charging cables production in its domestic manufacturing factories, Shenzhen Roxtex Wire and Cable Co. offers full electric vehicle supply equipment solutions tailored for power levels, plug types and flexibility needs. For high value China electric vehicle charging cables balancing advanced performance with quality assurance, trust 30 years of Roxtex expertise.

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