Shenzhen Roxtex - A Premium Supplier of High Performance Robotic Cables for Industrial Applications

<span style="color: rgb(28, 25, 23); font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " segoe="" ui",="" roboto,="" oxygen,="" ubuntu,="" cantarell,="" "fira="" sans",="" "droid="" "helvetica="" neue",="" sans-serif;="" white-space-collapse:="" preserve;"="">As a top China-based Shenzhen Roxtex Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. specializes in the R&D and manufacturing of high quality wires and cables, including robotic flexible cables, robot wire, and Robot Cable. With almost 30 years of experience in the industry, Roxtex has established itself as a leader in developing custom cables for industrial automation applications.

The robotic flexible cables, robot wire, and Robot Cable that Roxtex produces are known for their durability, flex resistance and longevity. Made using only the highest grade tinned copper and specialty insulation materials like PVC, TPEE and PUR, these robotic flexible cables can withstand over 10 million to 20 million cycles of nonstop bending and abrasion. They work well in demanding environments like drag chains and robot arms, providing consistent power and signal transmission despite continuous motion.

These robotic flexible cables, robot wire and Robot Cable cater to a wide variety of voltages, temperatures and jacket styles to suit different industrial needs. From 30V to 600V and temperatures up to 105°C, Roxtex's robotic cables also come in shielded and unshielded versions, with wrappings like tinned copper braiding or AL foil to prevent electromagnetic interference. Custom robotic flexible cables are available as well to meet unique specifications.

Suitable for various applications in factory automation, Roxtex’s robotic flexible cables, robot wire and Robot Cable increase productivity and efficiency in industries utilizing CNC machines, automatic production lines, conveyor systems, warehouses and more. The over 10 million bend cycle rating also makes the robotic flexible cables, robot wire and Robot Cables well-suited for intralogistics robots that need to operate continuously over long periods.

As a China-based manufacturer meeting certifications like CCC, UL 758 and ISO9001, Roxtex is able to export its high quality robotic flexible cables, robot wire and Robot Cables competitively to overseas markets in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. With a focus on R&D and using advanced automated production lines, Roxtex produces trusted and reliable robotic flexible cables, robot wire and Robot Cables for companies worldwide.

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Over 10 million Cycles Non-shielded PVC Cable

ApplicationsUsed as power supply cable, communication cable in…

Over 20 million Cycles Non-shielded PUR Cable

ApplicationsUsed as power supply cable, communication cable in…

Over 10 million Cycles Shielded PVC Cable

ApplicationsUsed as control cable, communication cable with shield…

Over 20 million Cycles Shielded PUR Cable

ApplicationsUsed as control cable, communication cable with shield…

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